
Read all the latest news & updates from the Smartaupairs blog.

smartaupairs 23-01-2010
Why Britain?

Great Britain is the ideal country to become an au pair - learn English as you earn, and apply your skills to new and exciting social situations. Please c…

smartaupairs 15-11-2009
Childcare Vouchers/Tax Credits

Tax credits are payments from the government. If you're responsible for at least one child or young person who normally lives with you, you may qualify f…

smartaupairs 08-09-2009
Au Pair Induction & Online Training Course

Our au pair induction last Saturday at Eurocenters language school was a great success. The au pairs who attended liked our presentations, the free trial…

smartaupairs 18-08-2009
New Au Pair Course

Smartaupairs is contributing to a brand new ‘au pair’ course which has already received accreditation through the OCN, the Open College Network. The cour…

smartaupairs 28-07-2009
News from ISA (The Independent Safeguarding Authority)

The Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) has been created to help prevent unsuitable people from working with children and vulnerable adults. You can v…

smartaupairs 15-07-2009
Keeping Your Child Safe & Encouraging Better Behaviour

The two following booklets are provided by NSPCC and are free to view online. The information is easy to read and very useful especially during the early …

smartaupairs 14-07-2009
Au Pair Driving in the UK

If you need your Au Pair to be able to drive you are responsible for arranging car insurance. Check the age you can afford to insure prior to choosing an…

smartaupairs 09-07-2009
Information for First Time Host Families

We are currently getting a lot of questions from families considering an au pair for the first time. The economic situation has made many families re-think…

smartaupairs 03-07-2009
Finding the Right Language Course

Here are our Smart TIPS to find the best (FREE?!) language course. Family and au pair should work together to find the right language courses and it…

smartaupairs 01-07-2009
Where Au Pair?

So many au pairs like to be in a busy environment of a city or a town, as these places are generally easy to make friends with other au pairs, close to l…

smartaupairs 10-05-2009
Feedback from Host Families

We were delighted for all the support and feedback we received as part of our recent survey. Please see below for some of the testimonials: "I am extrem…

smartaupairs 03-04-2009
Au Pair of the Year awarded at City Hall in Vienna

Published by Ozgur Tore  - credit to IAPA - the International Au Pair Association has announced the winner of the Au Pair of the Year, 24-yea…

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