Why Become An Au Pair?
To me becoming an Au-Pair in London was the best decision of my life because after a few weeks now I can already feel that I'm learning a lot more about the english language, culture and even about myself. Before I came here I was a little worried about going to a completely different country all on my own but after a short time I was building up a new life over here which is an amazing feeling. I become way more indepentend at the moment and luckily I have a nice family and found very lovely friends over here so homesickness isn't really becoming a big deal. I think becoming an Au-Pair is the best thing you could to if you want some changes in your life and love to work with children because you get the chance to open so many doors for your future and on top of that you're having a great time with precious memories that will last forever. Annika from Germany
Here are some of the many reasons why we at Smartaupairs think the au pair programme is so great :)
GUARANTEE & SAFETY – By choosing to become an au pair through our agency – you will be fully supported throughout your experience by our friendly and experienced team.
TRAVEL – Because you earn as you go, you can spend your weekends exploring the highlights of your Many au pairs also get to travel with their host family on holidays!
NEW FRIENDS – make new friends and learn about yourself in the same time, many au pairs make ‘friends for life’ during their au pair year.
AWESOME MEMORIES – as any adult what was the most memorable year of their life, they are likely to say their gap-year; scores higher than being in love
NEW PLACES & CULTURE – see your new place as a local, not a tourist.
CHILDREN – you get to do ‘kids-stuff’ like going to the zoo, kick a ball in the park and make a tent in the lounge!
YET IT’S MORE THAN CHILDCARE – no need to be ‘supernanny’ or choose a career in childcare, just be a big sister and part of the family!
LIFE SKILLS – from navigating local transport to time management & cooking! And maybe a new language too! You will become more independent, self-confident & open minded
CAREER – Au pair experience will look great on your CV whatever you chose for your future!