
Read all the latest news & updates from the Smartaupairs blog.

smartaupairs 01-07-2009
Where Au Pair?

So many au pairs like to be in a busy environment of a city or a town, as these places are generally easy to make friends with other au pairs, close to l…

smartaupairs 10-05-2009
Feedback from Host Families

We were delighted for all the support and feedback we received as part of our recent survey. Please see below for some of the testimonials: "I am extrem…

smartaupairs 03-04-2009
Au Pair of the Year awarded at City Hall in Vienna

Published by Ozgur Tore  - credit to IAPA - the International Au Pair Association has announced the winner of the Au Pair of the Year, 24-yea…

smartaupairs 16-02-2009
Smartaupairs Now Member of IAPA

Smartaupairs has joined IAPA, the International Au Pair Agency Association. After being on the executive committee of BAPAA since 2007 and representing Th…

smartaupairs 06-01-2009
Why Choose a Local Au Pair Agency?

Many host families who first embark on the journey of hosting au pairs look for an au pair agency local to them as they feel safe and comfortable in the kn…

smartaupairs 07-08-2008
Smartaupairs featured in Aspect County

The Kent Magazine Aspect Country featured an article about the benefits of hosting a summer au pair in their summer 08 edition. It is great to be mentioned…

smartaupairs 02-05-2008
How is your manny? (or male au pair?)

How is your Manny?   There is so much written recently about 'mannies', male nannies and male au pairs. Some of our families have also s…

smartaupairs 11-04-2008
Summer au pair

It is about this time each year that parents begin to ask the same question, "What will the kids be doing for the summer?" For parents who have b…

smartaupairs 11-04-2008
Where Au Pair?

So many au pairs like to be in a busy environment of a city or a town, as these places are generally easy to make friends with other au pairs, close to lan…

smartaupairs 21-03-2008
Host Family With Single Dad

For any au pairs who are hesitant to consider a single father family, please read the feedback below from two au pairs, who had a very positive experience…

smartaupairs 19-03-2008
Protect Yourself from Internet Recruitment Scams

We received this message from Maite, from Spain – who has now found a lovely family through smartaupairs and is preparing for her arrival in June. QUOTE…

smartaupairs 14-03-2008
Au Pair Feedback

We ask our au pairs to give us feedback towards the end of their stay with the host family. We are proud to share some to our recent au pair testimonials.…

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