Welcome to our new interns, Jasmin and Frederike!

It’s been a very busy time of year at the Smartaupairs office lately – we welcomed two new interns to our team earlier on this month, and also said goodbye to Cristina, who was our intern from March. Interns play a very important role in our team, ensuring that au pairs are well supported during their search and subsequent placement. Our two new team members are both students from Germany; Frederike studies English at the University of Oldenburg and is in the first year of her Master’s degree. Jasmin studies at the University of Applied Sciences in Mainz and is currently in the second year of her Business Law degree. Jasmin actually was an au pair herself for 18 months in America and Frederike's family always used to have au pairs when she was younger. They are therefore already familiar with the au pair programme and can relate well to our au pairs. Both of our new interns like learning about new cultures and travelling. Whilst Jasmin spent 18 months in America, Frederike travelled to Australia and New Zealand. Jasmin and Frederike are enjoying their time in England and want to see as much of the country as possible during their time here. They already have a trip to Brighton planned for this weekend :)   JandF   We’ve unfortunately had to say our goodbyes to Cristina this month, too. She had been our intern since March and was a great support to our au pairs. Here’s what Cristina had to say about her internship with us:
“I always tried to help the au pairs as much as I could. And every email I got from my Au pairs saying thank you, made me feel that I was doing my job well. I really enjoyed having my own space and department in this small office. This independent work and responsibility made me feel part of the team. During my studies over the last few years I had to do a lot of internships, but I have never developed myself as much as I have done with Smartaupairs. One of the reasons is that I had to prioritise my work. Although I grew up in two totally different cultures (my parents are Spanish but I was born in Germany and have always lived there), I became more cosmopolitan in the last six months. I was dealing with people from all over the world, so I could learn a lot about the behavior from different nationalities. Beside my personal development, I also learnt a lot about a great programme, which gives the chance for young people to discover a new culture and country. And in addition gives the chance to improve the language skills, which could be a big help for the future. I had the possibility to discover a new field of work. I also learned that in Germany there is a big demand for this programme. I am sure that this internship will open lots of doors in the future for me. I am very grateful that I got the chance to become a part of Smartaupairs and that I could learn so much about myself and other people. My great thanks go to Chloe who was always very patient with me. She took her time to explain things and she always believed in me that I could make it. She was not only my supervisor, she was also a friend.”
If Smartaupairs can help you to find your next au pair, please drop us an email (info@smartaupairs.com), give us a call (08009178166) or register here.
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