Feeling Manic? Give Yourself More Time to Do the Things You Enjoy With These Time Saving Tips


Fed up with being a frenzied family? Cut stress and gain time with these top tips and tricks for smart mums! We speak to mums all the time and making small changes like the ones below will feel like you have help already. Start one new trick a week and try what works for you! Use ONE DIARY in a central spot for everything from school forms to party invitations and the weekly shopping lists. Have post-its handy inside. Make a note in the diary of ‘time wasting activities and how to reduce them. I like my diary in the kitchen and will flick through at breakfast time. PLAN AHEAD on paper (see diary!) and in ‘real time’. Use pre-packed bags for sports, music and after school activities and get school uniforms and lunch boxes ready the afternoon before to avoid last-minute rushing or washing ROUTINE & STRUCTURE it sounds boring but if you do the same thing in the same way several times, it becomes much easier. Set your alarm clock for the same time every day, leave work on time and start dinner at the same time (almost) every day. Do certain tasks on the same day every week and be amazed how this saves time and effort. SHOP & COOK AHEAD Have you every shopped online? All the supermarkets now offer good online shopping facilities and handy lists for the regular items. All bulky stuff gets delivered and they really bring it right into your kitchen! Get a menu-planner and a large slow cooker and get in the habit (see routine!) of cooking a double meal, one to eat and one to freeze. PAY ONLINE by direct debit. It will take an hour or so to set up all bills to be paid online, either on automated direct debit or for you to pay online. READY FOR THE PARTY! Get gifts in bulk online and pre wrap,(use a post-it to remember content!). Get a large range of birthday cards for all ages. Whilst you are there, get some baby-cards too! GADGETS from menu planners to alerts and notes, these can help you maximize your more time as you have the phone with you anyway! Two of my personal favorites are 4-ingredients for simple meal planning from your phone or i-pad and Vlingo, for voice controlled text, email and social media. GET FREE HELP from family members. The kids can help, depending on their age, with tasks ranging from loading/unloading dishwasher, hanging/folding laundry, making lunch or lunchboxes and may even enjoy helping you with dinner. If you do these tasks as a family, you get to catch up on the gossip at the same time :) GET MORE HELP, consider what’s best for you, from a gardener to a cleaner, a Personal Assistant or an au pair or a combination of ‘helpers’  to suit your needs. Better still, get them all! Start one new trick a week and try what works for you! Meanwhile remember, supermum does not exist, just try your best and keep smiling :)

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