Chloe from Smartaupairs UK visits AuPair Internacional Agency in Spain


In the last week of November, I visited our top Spanish partner agency in Barcelona. AuPair Internacional is run by Vicky, who was extremely welcoming during my visit – it was a real pleasure to meet her. I also had the chance to meet with a number of au pair applicants, many of whom are already searching for a host family through Smartaupairs and others whose applications will be completed over the coming weeks. All of the girls were very friendly and eager to speak with me regarding the program. They were all confident enough to ask any questions they had and their English levels were sufficient. [caption id="attachment_1474" align="aligncenter" width="238"]Chloe and Vicky enjoying some traditional Spanish tapas! Chloe and Vicky enjoying some traditional Spanish tapas![/caption] Here is some feedback from an au pair from AuPair Internacional who was recently placed by Smartaupairs: “My host family is very nice, I'm very happy with the child and with his parents. They are very friendly with me. The location also is nice, is close the centre and I have met another au pair who lives here. We meet when we have free time and in the park with our children, she is very nice! Lidia, Spain.” Are you interested in hosting a Spanish au pair? Please contact our office and we would be very happy to help with your search! Chloe, Smartaupairs   0800 917 81 66

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