Au Pair Feedback!

If you’re still not sure about becoming an au pair, read the following feedback we’ve received from our au pairs who have just finished their experience! ~~~ "I've had a great time here. My host family was very nice and I've made a lot of new experiences. I would recommend it for everybody to visit language courses because it's a good and easy way to get to know other people and make new friends." Henrike from Germany ~~~ "I am having a great time! I am getting along really well with the family; I have since day 1. It feels very natural. They are wonderful people and I am very lucky to have been placed in their home. The kids are really great as well and we have lots of fun together!:) I am very happy with the accommodations in the house and all of the household duties are very fair. I've met some other au pairs once and they are very nice. With Facebook, it is easy to get in touch with many people. So far, this opportunity has been a 5/5 experience!" Angelica from Canada ~~~ "I had a wonderful time in England. I experienced a fantastic adventure, and I will never regret going there. My host family is definitely the best family an au pair could get. They are absolutely amazing!" Mikael from Sweden ~~~ "My time in the UK was great! The family was lovely and I enjoyed staying here. I attended a language course at the South Thames College in London. It was great, as the teachers were lovely and the students in my class came from all over the world. It was an amazing experience and helped me a lot improving my English." Paula from Germany ~~~ "I had a fantastic time, met so many nice people. It was quite hard to say good bye, but it wasn´t my last trip to the UK." Helena from Germany ~~~ Contact us today to get your experience started!!
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Here's what our au pairs are saying
