Au Pair Experiences

Lots of au pairs are finishing their au pair year in the next couple of months. We have received some great feedback which we would like to share with you! ~~~ "My year in the UK was unforgettable, such a great experience! :) I got to know so many nice people and found some precious friends during the year.. I also travelled a lot, from Manchester to Brighton, Cambridge, Bath and Devon and spend as much time in London as possible! I simply love the city!" Christina from Germany ~~~ "I have really enjoyed myself, a great experience that I'll never forget! My host family and Bristol will always have a special place in my heart!" Lidia from Sweden ~~~ "My time in the UK was great! I saw a lot of England, where I lived, but I also visited London, Windsor, Oxford, Clevedon Sea Front, Bath, Lancaster and The Lake District. My best friend in England and me are still good friends and we'll visit each other in our hometowns when she returns. My host dad and my little host child Rory were very nice and I miss Rory. I also visited a language school and improved my English a lot." Marina from Germany ~~~ "My time was just awesome. I'm really gonna miss my family and the kids and everything :) I didn’t visit a language course because I prefer talking with people in real life and not sitting in a class room :) but thanks for being here for me if I needed you to :)" Anna from Germany ~~~ If you would like to get in touch with a former au pair, please e-mail us: There are many au pairs who would like to share their story with you!
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Here's what our au pairs are saying
